The Graduate Experience

Small campus personality. Big campus opportunity.

Where experience meets opportunity.

获得研究生学位或证书是个人和职业成功的关键一步. At RWU, we go a step further. 我们的学生在课堂内外的学习中都有丰富的经历, 为他们提供深度丰富的教育,并在毕业后提供宝贵的就业机会. Whether you want to study on campus or online, part-time or full-time, in Bristol or Providence, RWU有一个程序和交付可满足您的需求和时间表.

Architects look over real estate plans


Far from merely buying and selling homes, 房地产领域正在迅速扩大,影响准入能力的因素也越来越多, afford, build, and sustain housing are incredibly complex. This new program, and an accompanying graduate certificate, 提供广泛的课程,跨越主题的设计, finance, management, construction, regulatory affairs, environmental conditions, and social policy. 该学位可以在全日制或兼职的基础上完成,包括夜间和在线课程. 

The Real Estate Program
Headshot of Kelly Nevins

Leadership in Action for Women's Rights

Kelly Nevins, RWU Class of 2015

凯利·内文斯(Kelly Nevins)的15岁学生利用她的领导才能,通过罗德岛州的系统性变革,努力实现性别平等.

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Meet Our Students

了解RWU最好的方式之一就是直接从我们的学生那里了解. 我们的研究生项目大使在您的研究生院搜索和申请过程中随时为您服务. 无论你是想听听他们在RWU的学生经历,还是想听听他们关于选择合适的研究生院的建议, they're here for anything you need. 

Meet our Graduate Program Ambassadors

The RWU Difference

无论你是在寻找方便和灵活性,同时获得学位, 课程为学生在课堂内外获得经验提供了广泛的机会, 或者是专注于服务和社会正义的教育理念, a RWU graduate education offers it all.

See the Difference

A Tale of Two Campuses

RWU的研究生在两个校区学习:我们的主校区, situated on scenic Mount Hope Bay in Bristol, RI, and our metro campus, located in the heart of the state capital, Providence, RI. 每个校区在支持和发展当地经济以及为非营利组织提供重要资源方面都发挥着至关重要的作用, corporations, 以及罗德岛州的市政府. 

See Our Campuses

A Passion for Forensic Psychology

摩根·布兰科一直喜欢心理学和法律,但她知道自己不想成为一名律师. 她研究了心理学和法律相结合的其他职业道路,发现了法医心理学. Now, she is passionate about the field. 

“能够评估和帮助服务不足的人群一直是我感兴趣的事情,” she said. 


Morgan's Story

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